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Research Associates


Prof. Dr. phil., dipl. biol. Christoph Rehmann-Sutter

Deputy Director of the Institute l Professorship for Theory and Ethics of the Life Sciences

Prof. Dr. phil. Lisa Malich

Professorship for the History of Knowledge in Psychology

Prof. Dr. phil. Staffan Müller-Wille

Honorary professorship for history and philosophy of the life sciences

Research Associates

Research Associates in projects

Janu Höreth

Research assistant in project CRC 1665/S08

Kaj Kaehne

Research Associate in project CRC 1665/S05

Dr. phil. Juliane Scholz

Research Associate in project CRC 1665/Z05

Antonia Sieler

Research Associate in project CRC 1665/S08

Zelda Wenner

Research Associate in project CRC 1665/S08


You can find former staff here.