Ethics and Epistemology of Precision Medicine
Erdmann, Anke, Christoph Rehmann-Sutter, Florian Schrinner, Claudia Bozzaro (2024)The body as an obstacle and the “other”. How patients with chronic inflammatory bowel diseases view their body, self and the good life. BMC Med Ethics 25, 82.
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Erdmann, Anke, Florian Schrinner, Christoph Rehmann-Sutter, Andre Franke, Ursula Seidler, Stefan Schreiber, and Claudia Bozzaro (2023) Acceptability criteria of precision medicine: Lessons from patients' experiences with the GUIDE-IBD trial regarding the use of mobile health technology. Crohn's & Colitis 360 (2023): otad068.
Lohse, S. 2023. Mapping Uncertainty in Precision Medicine. A Scoping Review. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 29 (3), 554-564.
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Erdmann, Anke, Christoph Rehmann-Sutter, and Claudia Bozzaro (2022) Clinicians’ and Researchers’ Views on Precision Medicine in Chronic Inflammation: Practices, Benefits and Challenges Journal of Personalized Medicine 12, no. 4: 574.
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Anke Erdmann, Christoph Rehmann-Sutter, Claudia Bozzaro (2021) Patients’ and professionals’ views related to ethical issues in precision medicine: a mixed research synthesis. BMC Medical Ethics (2021) 22:116.
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