Dr. phil. Birgit Stammberger
Curriculum Vitae
since April 2024
Co-Spokesperson of the iRTG im SFB 1665
since February 2015
Scientific Coordinator at the Centre for Cultural Studies Research Lübeck (ZKFL) / University of Lübeck
11/2012 – 1/2015
Postdoctoral Fellow at the Faculty of Cultural Studies/ Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Institute of Philosophy and Art History/Department of Philosophy
4/2014 – 9/2014
Administration of the professorship "Cultural History of Knowledge" at the Institute for Literary Cultures and History (IGL), Leuphana University of Lüneburg
11/2010 – 10/2012
Research assistant in the field of "Philosophy" at the College of the Leuphana University of Lüneburg (innovation incubator)
since summer semester 2010
Lecturer at the University of Flensburg, Institute of Philosophy
Doctorate at the University of Applied Sciences Vechta at the Institute of Social Sciences and Philosophy, Philosophy
12/2005 – 11/2007
Doctoral scholarship holder of the University of Vechta, Commission for Gender Equality (KFG)
10/1996 – 08/2004
Studies of Applied Cultural Studies (Magister), University of Lüneburg