Epistemic Injustice
»The sense of injustice [is] not only more piercing but also more acute than the sense of justice; for justice is often what is lacking and injustice is what prevails. And people have a clearer idea of what is missing from human relationships than of the right way to organize them.«
Paul Ricœur
by Prof. Dr. phil. Christina Schües
Power Relations and Epistemic Injustice
In this series of loosely connected yet consistent interventions on the epistemological and political situation, Christina Schües aims to highlight forms of epistemic injustice and vulnerability to demonstrate where and how public and political spaces may have become precarious. Using a feminist political phenomenology, she seeks to understand and clarify interventions in the practice of everyday interaction. One of the most important tasks is to uncover and critique the forms and structures of epistemic injustice so that societal and political abuses, such as injustice, can be clearly opposed. She is particularly interested in exploring how injustice, vulnerability, and categories of knowledge relate to our communication and political interactions.
Schües, Christina: Phenomenology and the political – injustice and prejudges, in: Sara Cohen Shabot, Christinia Landry (eds.): Rethinking Feminist Phenomenology: Theoretical and applied Perspectives, London/New York: Rowman & Littlefield 2018, pp. 103 - 120.
Schües, Christina: Vor-Urteile und Menschenbild, in: K. Ebeling u. I.-J. Werkner (eds.): Handbuch Friedensethik, Springer 2016, pp. 175-185.
Schües, Christina: Auf Ungerechtigkeit antworten - Einsatzorte politischen Wahrnehmens, in: Dem Erleben auf der Spur, hrsg. H. Landweer / I. Marcinski, Berlin: transcript 2016, pp. 175-196.
Schües, Christina: Epistemic injustice and the children's well-being, in: J. Drerup, G. Graf, C. Schickhardt, G. Schweiger (eds.): Justice, Education and the Politics of Childhood, Berlin: Springer 2016, pp. 155-170.
Video Recording:
Feb. 21st, 2019 Christina Schües: "Epistemische Verletzlichkeit. Wie ist Phänomenologie politisch?", Lecture Series at the Institute of Philosophy, University of Hagen. https://www.fernuni-hagen.de/videostreaming/ksw/forum/20190221.shtml