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Prof. Dr. phil. Lisa Malich


Teaching by the professorship will be represented by Verena Lehmbrock in the summer semester of 2024 and in the winter semester of 2024/2025.

Module supervision:

Elective courses:

Further information can be found in the Moodle area of Studies and Teaching.

Office hours:
Office hours can be held online or by telephone upon request. Please write an e-mail to make an appointment.

Supervision of theses in psychology/psychotherapy (BA/MA)

Choice of a topic in the history of psychology or in the philosophy of science; participation in the elective 'qualitative methods'; preparation of a proposal for a preliminary choice of topic, with a bibliography and schedule (to be sent by email); preliminary discussion (online or in person).

Please also note the general requirements for psychological theses at the IMGWF.

Possible topics:

  • History of clinical psychology, psychotherapy and behavioral therapy in German-speaking countries
  • Media representations of psychotherapy (e.g. in magazines such as 'Psychologie Heute' or 'Report Psychologie')
  • History and context of psychoendocrinology and research on psychedelic substances
  • Concepts of gender in psychology, psychotherapy and neuroscience (including topics related to the SFB 1665)
  • Ethical attitudes of practicing psychotherapists (e.g., toward gender, sexuality, or racism)

Individual topics are possible in individual cases and by arrangement.

Supervision of medical dissertations
Possible topics:

  • History of psychotherapy and psychiatry: Which specific therapeutic approaches developed and spread when? What kind of now unknown forms of psychotherapy (e.g. Daseinsanalyse) existed and which factors contributed to their disappearance? What was the relationship between psychiatry and psychotherapy - cooperation and competition? Which epistemic practices existed in psychotherapy and psychiatry? How did certain diagnostic procedures, manuals and classifications (e.g. OPD) develop?
  • Gender in medicine: How can the low proportion of women in leading medical positions be explained? What role do gender conceptions play in the everyday work of medical professionals? In what way do gender metaphors and norms shape medical concepts?
  • Work cultures in medicine: Which professional ideals and conceptions of performance and stress determine the everyday work of medical professionals? How have these developed historically? 
  • Attitudes and ethical norms among psychiatrists and medical psychotherapists (e.g. dealing with homosexuality, influence of racist and cultural stereotypes, etc.)

Individual topics are possible by arrangement, as are decidedly historical questions (e.g. on the history of the Department of Psychology at the German Research Institute for Psychiatry or on the history of conversion therapy in Germany).

Methodologically, both historical and theory-driven investigations as well as qualitative or quantitative (or mixed-method) studies on the topics mentioned above are available.

Capacity limits
Please note that unfortunately not all requests for supervision of theses can be answered positively. If you are interested in a qualitative thesis, I would like to refer you to possible other supervisors at the IMGWF and in the Department of Psychology, Psychiatry and Social Medicine.


Professorship for the History of Knowledge in Psychology