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Ausgewählte Publikationen der PreGGI-Autoren:
Christina Schües und Christoph Rehmann-Sutter (2023) Das präventive Selbst als normatives Leitbild? Nichtinvasive Pränataldiagnostik und Selbstbestimmung. In: Von Genen und Menschen. Wer wir sind und werden könnten. Hgg. für das Deutsche Hygiene-Museum von Viktoria Krason und Nele-Hendrikje Lehmann. Göttingen: Wallstein, S. 133-137.
Rehmann-Sutter, C., Timmermans, D. .M. & Raz, A. (2023): Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT): is routinization problematic?. BMC Med Ethics 24, 87. ( PDF
Christoph Rehmann-Sutter, Tamar Nov-Klaiman, Yael Hashiloni-Dolev, Anika König, Stefan Reinsch and Aviad Raz (2022). What Does Prenatal Testing Mean for Women who Have Tested? In: Christina Schües (ed.): Genetic Responsibility in Germany and Israel. Bielefeld: Transcript (open access), pp. 227-251
Christoph Rehmann-Sutter, Christina Schües (2022). “Something is Not Quite Right.” Two Cinematic Narratives about Decision-Making after Prenatal Diagnosis. In: Christina Schües (ed.): Genetic Responsibility in Germany and Israel. Bielefeld: Transcript (open access), pp. 253-262
Christina Schües, Stefan Reinsch, Aviad Raz, Christoph Rehmann-Sutter (2022). Can not Wanting to Know Be Responsible? Conceptual Analysis and Meanings of Not-Knowing in Israeli and German Prenatal Genetic Practices. In: Christina Schües (ed.): Genetic Responsibility in Germany and Israel. Bielefeld: Transcript (open access), pp. 303-345
Christina Schües (ed.) (2022): Genetic Responsibility in Germany and Israel. Practices of Prenatal Diagnosis, Bielefeld: transcript ( PDF
Nov-Klaiman, Tamar/Frisman, Marina/Raz, Aviad E./Rehmann-Sutter, Christoph (2022): “Views on disability and prenatal testing among families with Down syndrome and disability activists: A comparative analysis of interviews from Germany and Israel.” In: Social Science & Medicine 303, 115021 ( PDF
Nov-Klaiman, Tamar/Raz, Aviad E./Hashiloni-Dolev, Yael (2022): “A test of faith? Attitudes of ultraorthodox Jewish parents of children with down syndrome toward prenatal testing.” In: Disability & Society (
Raz, Aviad E./Nov-Klaiman, Tamar/Hashiloni-Dolev, Yael/Foth, Hannes/Schües, Christina/Rehmann-Sutter, Christoph (2022): “Comparing Germany and Israel regarding debates on policy-making at the beginning of life: PGD, NIPT and their paths of routinization.” In: Ethik in der Medizin 34, pp. 65–80 ( PDF
Foth, Hannes (2021): “Avoiding ‘selection’? – References to history in current German policy debates about non-invasive prenatal testing.” In: Bioethics, 35/6, pp. 518–527 ( PDF
Rehmann-Sutter, Christoph (2021): “Should prenatal screening be seen as ‘selective reproduction’? Four reasons to reframe the ethical debate.” In: Journal of Perinatal Medicine 49/8, pp. 953–958 ( PDF
Schües, Christina (2021): “‘Ein Thier heranzüchten, das versprechen darf’ – Eine paradoxe Aufgabe der pränatalen Diagnostik am Lebensanfang.” In: Olivia Mitscherlich-Schönherr (ed.), Das Gelingen der künstlichen Natürlichkeit: Mensch-Sein an den Grenzen des Lebens mit disruptiven Technologien, Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter, pp. 213–238.
Schües, Christina (2021): “‘Genetische Verantwortung’ – was kann das heißen?” In: Claudia Bozzaro/Orsolya Friedrich (eds.), Philosophie der Medizin, Paderborn: Mentis, pp. 199–216.
Rehmann-Sutter, Christoph/Schües, Christina (2020): “Die NIPT-Entscheidung des G-BA: Eine ethische Analyse.” In: Ethik in der Medizin 32, pp. 385-403 ( PDF
Hashiloni-Dolev, Yael/Nov-Klaiman, Tamar/Raz, Aviad (2019): “Pandora’s pregnancy: NIPT, CMA and genome sequencing – A new era for prenatal genetic testing.” In: Prenatal Diagnosis 39/10, pp. 859–865 ( PDF
Nov-Klaiman, Tamar/Raz, Aviad E./Hashiloni-Dolev, Yael (2019): “Attitudes of Israeli parents of children with Down syndrome toward non‐invasive prenatal testing and the scope of prenatal testing.” In: Journal of Genetic Counseling, 28/6, pp. 1119–1129 ( PDF